Know about process of Copyright Registration in Delhi

The Copyright Act of 1957 regulates the registration of copyrights. If you register the copyright, then you can become the legal owner of your creative work, including paintings, books, music, videos, paintings, websites, mobile applications, etc. The author's copyright registration in Delhi with the authority ensures that his or her creative work cannot be imitated. Without any author's or creator's permission, no one is allowed to use it.

What is Copyright?

The creator's original work is protected by copyright. It is primarily a form of intellectual property that is granted to the originator. Only with the creator's consent can other entities or individuals utilize his work. Computer programming, records, cinematography, artwork, software, scripts, and novels are examples of work. User guides, brochures, product literature, website content, and instruction manuals are frequently copied.

Online Copyright Registration in Delhi Procedures-

Step 1: To login, first enter your valid User ID and Password.

Step 2: If you are a new user, click on New User Registration.

Step 3: Now, Pick the option "Click for online Copyright Registration" from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Complete the Copyright Registration Form in the following order:

a) Fill out Form XIV, then press the SAVE button to save your information.

b) Fill out Step 2 of the Statement of Particulars, then press the SAVE button to save the information.

c) Complete the Statement of Additional Particulars and save the information by pressing the SAVE button.

Step 5: Use an Internet Payment Gateway to make a payment.

Step 6: A Diary Number will be generated after the form has been successfully submitted.

Step 7: Please print a hard copy of the "Acknowledgement Slip" and the "Copyright Registration Report" and mail it to the address below.

Registration of Indian Subsidiary Companies: An Overview

Because of the rising potential, foreign investors are interested in investing in India. As a result, subsidiary company registration in India is increasing, with more money flowing into various sectors. The Indian economy has grown since Economic Liberalization in 1991, thanks to a rise in the quantity of foreign direct investment in the country. 

The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act was repealed by the government with the implementation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) in 1999. (FERA). Investing in India has become easier because of FEMA. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) publishes many rules regarding the formation and registration of Indian subsidiary companies.

The Foreign Subsidiary Company is a company that is based in another country.

A foreign subsidiary company is a company that is entirely or partially owned by the parent company and operates in one nation while its parent company is located in another.


Copyright Registration in Delhi protects the creator's rights from infringement. Copyright registration provides legal protection that ensures that no one else can use the copyright in any way without the owner's permission. You can also give copyrights to someone else. Copyright helps to protect and reward the rights of creators by rewarding and protecting their work.




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